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Cloud Computing

The delivery of computing services such as servers, storage, databases, and software over the internet. Opportunities in cloud computing include roles such as cloud architects, cloud engineers, and cloud administrators.

Cloud Architect

Cloud Architects design, manage, and monitor cloud systems, including public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud architectures. They work closely with the business to understand their requirements and make sure the cloud system supports both current and future business needs.

Soft Skills:
Problem-solving, communication, strategic thinking.

Hard Skills:
Proficiency in cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), understanding of network, storage, and virtualisation technology, knowledge of programming languages.

Personality Traits:
Analytical, innovative, adaptable.

Cloud Engineer

Cloud Engineers implement, maintain, and support cloud infrastructure. They could work on cloud networking, cloud platform development, or security depending on their specialisation.

Soft Skills:
Teamwork, problem-solving, communication.

Hard Skills:
Proficiency in cloud platforms, understanding of network and security protocols, knowledge of scripting languages (Python, Bash).

Personality Traits:
Detail-oriented, diligent, collaborative.

Cloud Consultant

Cloud Consultants help organisations plan, implement, and manage their cloud computing strategies. This includes helping clients select the right cloud services for their needs, overseeing migrations, and ensuring best practices are followed for security and efficiency.

Soft Skills:
Communication, strategic thinking, problem-solving.

Hard Skills:
Knowledge of cloud platforms, project management, understanding of IT infrastructure.

Personality Traits:
Adaptable, customer-focused, strategic thinker.

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers work on both development and operations tasks to improve collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure, workflows, and continuously measuring application performance. This role is crucial for organisations adopting cloud services.

Soft Skills:
Problem-solving, teamwork, communication.

Hard Skills:
Proficiency in CI/CD tools (Jenkins, Travis CI), cloud platforms, scripting languages (Python, Ruby).

Personality Traits:
Detail-oriented, collaborative, innovative.

Cloud Security Specialist

Cloud Security Specialists protect cloud-based systems, data, and infrastructure from cyber threats. They design and implement security measures, monitor security incidents, and provide guidance on best practices.

Soft Skills:
Problem-solving, attention to detail, communication.

Hard Skills:
Knowledge of cybersecurity frameworks, understanding of cloud platforms, proficiency in network protocols and security procedures.

Personality Traits:
Analytical, meticulous, diligent.